

 I feel hesitant to constantly talk about foreign languages as it might give an impression that I am foreign language geek or something, but today, I'd like to introduce the app I use the most for learning French.


Duolingoです。Son nom est Duolingo.


I had intended to provide English translations for the Japanese text I wrote, but I've become too lazy to do so. Instead, I'll write my thoughts in English separately.

1.続けやすい (easy to continue)

Duolingoのレッスンは1つあたり3~5分で終わります。また、○○ day streak、みたいな感じで「〇〇日勉強が続いてるよ」というのがアプリ内で表示されます。Duolingoに触らないでいるとアプリからも通知が来るのでこまめに学習しやすいよう設計されています。

Duolingo's characters notify you when it's time for a lesson. All of Duolingo's characters have high self-esteem. My favorite character is Junior.

I have been lured by the Early Bird Chest and Night Owl Chest, which give double experience points, and now find myself taking lessons during the time when these rewards are available.

2.コンテンツが充実してる (rich variety of supplementary content)

DuolingoにはDuolingo Podcastなるものがあり、仏語学習者向けですと英語とフランス語がサンドイッチになった各エピソードが提供されたりしています。

At first, I was confused when English and French were mixed together, and thought to myself, "What's this?" But now, listening to it again, I realize that the English parts were just inserted for clarity and I shouldn't have been so flustered. I suppose I've grown since then (still can't really understand what it's saying though).


https://podcast.duolingo.com/french (←Duolingo French Podcast


あと、アプリ内を少し探索するとduolingoのblogがあって、それが海外の文化であったり、最近だと外国語の勉強に使えるvideo gamesの話など色々なトピックに触れられてて地味に面白いです。video gamesの記事では Yakuza(龍が如く)というワードが出てきて、テンションが上がりました。

 I'm Japanese, so I'm not very familiar with holidays like Easter or Saint Patrick's Day. Duolingo introduces such customs in its blog or something. And the English in that blog is easy to read.



Continuing from the previous post, I used ChatGPT as well to write the English parts. I asked it for a suitable French phrase to conclude the blog, so I would like to end this blog with that.


La vie est trop courte boire du mauvais vin (Life is too short to drink bad wine.)


